How To Improve School Health & Well-being With Your Secret Weapon: Student Leaders

Download Presentation Resources

School Student Leadership, Emma Perkins
Emma Perkins
Deputy Head St Barnabas Primary, UK

You can download Emma’s presentation slides here: 

School Student Leadership, Musab Al Hassoun
Musab Al Hassoun
Principal Al Ittihad Private School, UAE

You can download Musab’s presentation slides here: 

School Student Leadership, Imtiaz Jamil
Imtiaz Jamil
Founder Young Leaders Academy, UK

You can download Imtiaz’s presentation slides here: 

Free School Audit & Review

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For a very limited period we are offering schools and educational institutions the opportunity to book a FREE School Audit & Review of your student leadership program(s).

This is a unique opportunity to speak directly with Imtiaz or one his team. You can use the school audit and review to discuss any challenges and get expert help from Young Leaders Academy.

Will this be a sales call?
Absolutely NOT! We are dedicated to helping schools develop amazing student leaders, have sustainable student leadership programs and highly trained and confident school staff.

We want your school to offer the best in student leadership and want to do our best to help you. The audit and review is a great way to get expert help where you need it most.

Click the button to book your FREE audit and review now.

You will be redirected to our dedicated booking page where you can select a suitable date and time to book a zoom meeting.