public speaking for young people course

Book Your Free Trial here

Step 1. Pick a date and time that suits you

Step 2. Complete your details

Step 3. Check your email (junk folder) for your class confirmation and zoom link

Step 4. Join the class and get started on your journey to becoming more confident!

Why Book a Free Trial?

"I now can plan and prepare a successful presentation and can speak in front of people more fluently"

Student Reviews

"I now can plan and prepare a successful presentation and can speak in front of people more fluently"
Eesa Ibrahim
""I was very shy and now I feel like public speaking is natural for me. I can't believe it""
Arishma Asif
"[This course] helped me improve my presentations and make them more interesting"
Omer Nourein

A Parent's Perspective

“I’m amazed at how my child has gone from shy to confident in eight short weeks!”

Student Voice Matters

“I was very shy and now I feel like public speaking is natural for me. I can’t believe it”

Young Student's Thoughts

“I would never have got up in front of an audience before but now I feel very confident”

Some of Our Clients

Join Now. It's Simple!

Step 1

Complete the free trial booking form

Step 2

Check your email for the zoom link

Step 3

Join the class and learn to speak with confidence

World Class Speech Trainers Just A Click Away

Imtiaz Jamil, Founder Young Leaders Academy, Leadership Training for Kids

Meet Imtiaz

Imtiaz Jamil is the Director at Young Leaders Academy. He is ex-President of one of the UK’s most decorated Speakers Clubs (NCSC), winning speaking and debating competitions across the UK.

Imtiaz provides one to one sessions and leads the small group classes also. 

With over 14 years experience in successfully helping students develop speaking skills, you’ll have access to one of the most experienced public speaking trainers in the United Kingdom.

Why Choose Young Leaders Academy?

As a student you need to improve your public speaking ability and speak with clarity, confidence and conviction.

You know you have important opportunities coming up – whether it’s an interview for College or University or employment to a class presentation or a debating competition. You want to give yourself the best chance of success.

You may be shy or an introvert and not enjoy speaking in class. This could be setting you back because you’ve got questions but no way to pluck up the confidence to ask them because of that fear. 

That’s where our world class trainers come in to help you speak confidently and gain the life-skill to help you prosper and flourish now and in the world that awaits after school, college and university.

Public speaking is an in-demand skill that helps everyone get on further in life regardless of the direction they choose.

We say it’s one of most important life-skills that a student can learn to better their chances of success – because every business and workplace needs confident speakers.


The Young Leaders Academy Advantage

Be Confident

Our public speaking courses will give you un-shatterable confidence. You’ll be the one doing all the talking!

Gain a Life-Skill

Our public speaking courses will give you one of the most valued –and needed- life skills  on the planet

Feel Amazing

Feel amazing about yourself, and the ‘you’ you’ve always dreamt of

Book Your Free Trial here

Frequently Asked Questions

The free trial class is an introduction to our Speak with Confidence 8 week course. You will join in on a live online class and get a feel for how it all works, the techniques we use and how we will help you build your confidence in speaking. You will also get to a chance to meet your trainer and ask any questions 

Yes! All our trainers are VASTA Members (Voice and Speech Trainers Association) and have many years of training young people how to improve their public speaking and confidence. You are in the best hands

All our trainers are from the UK and native speakers. This gives every  learner an opportunity to improve their vocabulary, sentence structure and confidence in the best way

This course is online via zoom conferencing software. You can access the course with any internet connected device and for the best experience we recommend a laptop or desktop.

The 8 week online course is just £127. That’s less than £16 per lesson to be trained by professional voice and speech experts!

Yes! Everyone who completes the full course gets a Young Leaders Academy certificate issued in the UK.

The internet is full of alternatives and we cannot comment on other programs but we know none of them will guarantee their program like we do. You will build your speaking confidence in 8 weeks or you don’t pay a penny.

It’s simple and straight forward  – if you do not feel you’ve gained any confidence in public speaking in 8 weeks then ask for a full refund. No questions asked. That’s how confident we are that you will gain immense benefit from this course

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